The ninth installment of the Saw franchise, Spiral: From the Book of Saw, is about to hit theaters on May 14, but the real show is happening right now on Twitter, where the franchise’s official account is getting up to some shenanigans with a popular parody account. If the tweets across both Jigsaw_quotes and Saw accounts are taken at face value, the former seems to have “hacked” and taken over the latter account.
“That’s it, @Saw, your time is up,” reads the tweet from Jigsaw_quotes sparking this whole exchange off. “For years you have exploited my ingenuity for the sake of your films. Well today you must ask yourself – how far are you willing to go to take back what’s yours?” From there, well, it’s best to let a few of the tweets speak for themselves. Check out the escalation below. Come from Sports betting site VPbet